The Treatery is a brand trading under Sunbird Stories (Pty) Limited, registration number xxx.

These terms govern your use of our website (www.thetreatery.co.za). Access to the products, services, and content available on the The Treatery website may be classified as “electronic transactions” as defined in terms of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002 (Act No. 25 of 2002) (ECTA).

1.1. The Treatery website is provided as a convenience to you and our customers for informational purposes only. In order to use The Treatery’s website for services including but not limited to on-line shopping, browsing, product information, store locations, subscribing as a user, viewing and managing your account and orders, etc. you may be required to provide your personal information.
1.2. We reserve the right to make changes to the documents and/ or other materials contained on this website from time to time without notice. This right also applies to these terms and conditions. The Treatery will post the revised terms and conditions on the website. You may use The Treatery’s website for your own personal, non-commercial use and not for republication, distribution, sale, or other use.
1.3. If there is a conflict of meaning between these website terms of use and any other terms, policies or notices, the specific terms, policies, or notices will take preference where it applies to your use of The Treatery’s website.
1.4. The terms constitute the entire agreement between the parties. If any term is void, unenforceable, or illegal, the term will be severed and the remainder of the terms will be effective.
1.5. Unless otherwise specified, the goods and services offered on this site are intended for citizens of the Republic of South African only. The terms will be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the Republic of South Africa without giving effect to any principles of conflict of law. By you ticking the “I confirm I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions applied to the use of this website” box forms a legally binding agreement between you and The Treatery.



In The Treatery’s website terms of use:
2.1. “terms” mean these website terms of use, any specific terms, the privacy policy and any other terms, policies or notices agreed between you and Interiors;
2.2. “we” or “us” or “The Treatery” means The Treatery whichever one applies;
2.3. “website” means www.thetreatery.co.za;
2.4. “The Treatery’s website” means www.thetreatery.co.za; and
2.5. “you” or “user” means any person who visits, accesses or uses the website.



As a user, The Treatery grants you a limited, non-transferable revocable license to access and use the website subject to the terms and conditions. Your license does not extend to the website’s source code or to the source code of any software or computer program that forms part of the website. You may only use the website for personal use, limited to viewing the website, providing information to the website, downloading product information for your review from the website or purchasing goods or services from the website.

You may only use the website if, in terms of South African law, you have the legal capacity to agree.  You may only link to the website by linking to the home page of the website.

3.1. You, the customer, agrees and acknowledges that:

3.1.1. You will at all times comply with the Law(s); including the National Credit Act, 2005 (Act No. 34 of 2005) (NCA) and the Consumer Protection Act, 2008 (Act No. 68 of 2008) (CPA) and/ or any other applicable legislation (if it applies to the customer for the receiving, compiling and reporting of information). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the customer specifically agrees that when reporting personal and other information to Interiors.
3.1.2. Such information will include all mandatory data.
3.1.3. You will have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information submitted is accurate, up-to-date, relevant, complete and valid when submitting such information.
3.1.4. You may submit the information to The Treatery, to make such information available to its associated partners, to render the services offered, and that such information is not subject to a duty of confidentiality between Interiors and the customer.
3.1.5. As a visitor or user, you agree that we may electronically accumulate, keep and use the following of your information:
3.1.6. Internet usage information, including your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, click patterns, browsing habits, version of software installed, system resolutions and type, plug-ins, colour capabilities, cookie preferences, language settings, search engine meta words (keywords), JavaScript enablement, unique user ID, the pages and content that you access on the platform/ website and the dates and times that you visit the website, besides paths taken and time spent on pages/ sites within the website (“usage details”). View our Privacy Policy.
3.1.7. Additional information you may provide voluntarily, such as demographic information or data related to your favourite social networking site (e.g., the site name, address and description(s)), or information relating to your participation in The Treatery’s competitions, promotions, studies, reviews and surveys, and additional services (“optional details”).
3.1.8. Details submitted, when registering or transacting, to use the services on the The Treatery’s website. You may submit optional details to us if you upload or download certain content (or products), if applicable, from the website/ platform, enter competitions, partake in promotions, respond to reviews/ surveys, subscribe to or register for specific additional services; or else use any of the optional features and functionality of the website/ platform.
3.1.9. “Cookies” information: When you access the website/ platform, we may send one or more cookies (these are small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters) to your computer to collect certain usage details. The Treatery may use both session cookies (which disappears after you close your browser) and persistent cookies (which remain after you close your browser, which can be removed manually) and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the website/ platform. Please note the use of cookies is a norm/ standard on the internet and many major websites use them. Please refer to your web browser “help” file to learn more about changing your cookie settings. View our Privacy Policy.
3.1.10. When you access the website/ platform or open one of our HTML emails, we may automatically collect and record certain usage details from your system by using different tracking technology.
3.1.11. Our website may contain electronic image requests (called a “single-pixel gif” or “web beacon” request) that allow us to count page views and to access cookies. Any electronic image viewed as part of a web page (including an ad banner); can act as a web beacon. Web beacons are typically 1 by 1 pixel files, (tiny unnoticeable files), but their presence can usually be seen within a browser by clicking on “view” and then on “source.” We may also insert web beacons in HTML-formatted newsletters, which we send to “opt-in” subscribers to count how many newsletters they have read. The Treatery’s web beacons do not gather, monitor, or share any personally identifiable information about our customers. They are just the technique we used to compile anonymous information about the website and services.
3.1.12. The Treatery cannot be held liable if any third-party plugin and/ or mailing platform (such as Mailchimp) is breached and personal information stolen and/ or compromised.
3.1.13. The Treatery may use any optional details provided by you, for such purposes as shown to you at the time you agreed to provide such optional details.

3.2. We may use your usage details to:

3.2.1. Automatically validate and/ or verify your identity; for the website and transaction security purposes via Interiors or via a third-party service provider.
3.2.2. Remember your information so you will not have to re-enter it during your visit the next time you access the website/ platform.
3.2.3. Monitor aggregate website usage metrics such as total number of visitors and pages accessed.
3.2.4. Track your entries, submissions, and status in any promotions or other activities in connection with your usage of the website/ platform.
3.2.5. The Treatery shall take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information of the users and for this purpose, “personal information/ personal details”; shall be defined as contained and detailed in the Promotion of Access to the Information Act, 2000 (Act No. 2 of 2000) (PAIA).
3.2.6. If you are a The Treatery website user, you agree that we may also electronically gather, save and use the following information: Name and surname, birth date, gender, identity number and/ or passport number, nationality and country of residence (“personal information/ details”). E-mail address, mobile number, home and delivery address and credit card billing address (“contact details”). The credit or debit card number, cardholder name and expiration date you submit to The Treatery’s website regarding your credit or debit card(s), (credit or debit cards).

3.3. The Treatery’s website users collect the aforesaid information from you in the following manner:

3.3.1. User-provided Information: Your personal information/ details, contact details and debit or credit card details will be provided by you directly to us during your registration as a The Treatery website user and/ or thereafter by you actively transacting, updating, or supplementing such details in you’re the Treatery website user’s account.
3.3.2. The Treatery uses the information that The Treatery’s website users provide (or that we collect) to operate, validate, verify, maintain, enhance and provide all the features of the services, and as may be necessary to comply legally when conducting online payment transactions and related service provided.
3.3.3. We use your debit or credit card details to provide the services (including the verification thereof when you transact with The Treatery) and should fees be charged for some services and you have selected a credit or debit card as your means of payment, we shall debit that credit or debit card for such fees owed by you. We use your personal information/ details to greet you when you access you’re The Treatery user account, to manage and administer your use of the services and fulfil our contractual obligations, including the verification of your identity when you transact with The Treatery.
3.3.4. We use your contact details to verify your identity and to inform you of facts relating to your use of the service(s) (e.g., notifications regarding major updates and customer service, and to address any copyright infringement or defamation issues); as well as to inform you, subject to obtaining your prior agreement, of competitions, promotions and special offers from us and/ or any of our partners and/ or affiliates.
3.3.5. Any user, who commits any of the offences detailed in section 85 to 88 of the ECTA, 2002 (Act No. 25 of 2002) shall, notwithstanding criminal prosecution, be liable for all resulting losses or damages suffered and/ or incurred by Interiors and its partners/ affiliates.

3.4. You may not:

3.4.1. Provide any incorrect information to the website or The Treatery;
3.4.2. Change, copy, decompile or reverse-engineer the website or use the website to make derivative copies;
3.4.3. Lease, sell, assign or in any other way to distribute the website or any information gotten from the website without the prior written consent of Interiors;
3.4.4. Use malicious search technology, including but not limited to spiders and crawlers;
3.4.5. IFrame any pages of the website;
3.4.6 Deep-link to any pages of the website in a way to suggest that you are the owner or license of any intellectual property in the website; and
3.4.7. Use the interactive sections of the website, for instance, surveys and e-mails, to post any material which in The Treatery’s discretion is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise violates any laws. The Treatery does not have editorial control over the submission of any content to interactive sections of the website. You submit all information, including the publication of pictures and/ or articles, at your sole risk and responsibility. The Treatery is not liable for damages or other adverse consequences caused by the use of the submissions.

In line with the Film and Publication Board Act, 2009 (Act No. 3 of 2009) (FPBA) as amended; to intensify the efforts to protect children from harmful images within the media, including films, exhibitions, games, the internet and other publications, the website is not targeted at children under the age of eighteen (18) and The Treatery will not knowingly collect information from users in this age group.



4.1. A sales order will only be deemed as completed once you have completed the purchase cycle, an approved payment/ order confirmation is received and delivery has taken place. We will confirm your purchase order with you via your specified email. By placing a product in your shopping cart or adding a product to a wish-list does not make up a sale nor are such products, its price nor its quantities reserved. If you complete the purchase cycle for such products at a later stage, The Treatery cannot be held liable to honour any price changes or if such products are no longer available.
4.2. The Treatery shall use reasonable attempts to make the advertised stock/ product available at the displayed price, for the period specified. Where there is expressed stock limitation or availability, The Treatery shall supply the consumer with equivalent stock as an alternative to the advertised stock. In the event of running out of stock on the expressed stock limits, The Treatery may limit the number of sale goods per consumer. However, The Treatery strives to ensure that we minimise out-of-stock situations and will take all reasonable measures to make your purchased product available at the advertised price or inform you of an equivalent product option.



All pricing displayed on the web is inclusive of the current South African VAT, in South African Rand (ZAR), and are subject to price changes and may change with no warning or notification. Please note that all prices displayed exclude the cost of delivery. The Treatery takes utmost care to ensure that the displayed prices are correct. Where pricing on the website differs from the actual in-store pricing, the prices will remain as displayed, as it is either a website specific promotion for online purchases only or an in branch-specific promotion for branch purchase only. If a mistake is made or we display the incorrect price, we will correct this as soon as we are made aware of the incorrectly displayed price.

Goods made to order will incur additional costs and will be quoted per product and/ or service.



We conduct all transactions in South African Rand (ZAR) through PayFast (Pty) Ltd. When PayFast (Pty) Ltd processes a transaction for you via any of their secure payment web services, the transaction is encrypted. The PayFast (Pty) Ltd security policy can be found at https://www.payfast.co.za/security-fraud.
Please also read the PayFast (Pty) Ltd legal documentation, at https://www.payfast.co.za/legal. By submitting a sales order through any of The Treatery’s website services, you warrant that you are acting within the bounds of the law and that you have the legal capacity to transact or have the mandate to transact to do so. This includes that you have got the express permission (indemnity) of the person and or business whose information you are submitting/ using through any of our services and that you are not in breach of the CPA, 2008 (Act No. 68 of 2008) or NCA, 2005 (Act No. 34 of 2005), or any other applicable legislation. You indemnify The Treatery, its members and employees from any claim and/ or liability from any third party arising out of your instructions and/ or use of the service(s).

The Treatery accepts the following payments on its website:
6.1. Credit Card payments: Only South African issued (Visa and Master) credit cards are accepted for online payments. On completing the purchase cycle, we send the sales details to the bank if payment is unsuccessful or authorisation is not issued by the bank, we cannot complete your purchase cycle. The website makes use of PayFast (Pty) Ltd as our preferred online payment gateway.
6.2. PayFast (Pty) Ltd only facilitates the transaction between you and your bank. The terms and conditions existing between you and the bank still apply.
Online credit/ debit card payments require registration with 3D Secure when shopping online with us. No username and password to remember anymore. You will now receive a one-time pin (OTP) or an approval request from your bank instead that will only be valid for one transaction when shopping at a 3D Secure merchant, protecting your credit card against fraudulent online use. We all love the convenience of shopping online but concerned about the risks that may be involved. Therefore, we at The Treatery deploy technology, such as 3D Secure, which will protect you while you shop.
The Treatery reserves the right, to prevent suspected fraud, to refuse to accept or process the payment of any order, and/ or to cancel any sale concluded between you and The Treatery, in whole or in part, on notice to you. The Treatery shall only be liable to refund monies already paid by you (see The Treatery’s Refund Policy) and accepts no other liability which may arise as a result of such refusal to process any order/ sale.

6.3. Bank Deposits and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): Should you select to pay via a bank deposit or EFT, on completion of your order instruction will be emailed to you regarding the method in which monies must be deposited in Interiors’ account subject to the following terms and conditions:

6.3.1. The full amount must be paid as per your order request or Proof of Payment (POP) sent within 48 hours of placing your order. The product will be secured until payment has been received. We will cancel your order should you fail to deposit/ transfer the funds within 48 hours of placing your order (product will be returned to active stock). The EFT must be in SA Rand (ZAR) only (no other currency will be accepted). The Treatery cannot be held liable for any delays, errors, fees, bank-affiliated fees/ admin charges and currency fluctuations.
6.3.2. Handling fees charged by your bank relating to cash/ bank deposits (done in the bank at a teller or at an ATM) will be for the client’s account. The Treatery will not pay any handling fees charged by your specific bank. No products will be shipped unless the full amount (which includes the handling fee) has been paid to The Treatery’s account.

6.4. For a direct deposit, the deposit must be in cash and SA Rand (ZAR) only, (no other currency will be accepted).

6.4.1. Proof of payment must be sent to orders@thetreatery.co.za;
6.4.2. Your order number (as per the order email sent to you) needs to be used in the reference section of the deposit slip or the electronic transfer, we will not be held liable for any delays should you fail to include these. Your delivery timeframe is dependent and will commence on the time and date of the funds reflecting in Interiors’ account; and
6.4.3. Depending on the bank, some payments may take up to three business days to reflect in our account. In such circumstances, there will be a delay in having your order shipped.

6.4. No cheque deposits are accepted.



All materials published on The Treatery’s website are protected by copyright and owned or controlled by The Treatery or the party accredited as the producer of the content or other material. We shall construe nothing in these terms and conditions of use as conferring by implication or otherwise, any license or right under this copyright, trademark, database right or other intellectual property or proprietary interest of The Treatery or any third party. All logos, names and trademarks, which appear on the website are the intellectual property of The Treatery or are used by The Treatery under license. The Treatery will fully prosecute any violation of intellectual property rights that the law permits. We prohibit reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form other than strictly for individual use.

If you respond to The Treatery via e-mail, surveys, forums, registration, or any other communication medium with any information, including but not limited to feedback, data, questions, comments, or suggestions, but excluding your personal data, the information will not be deemed confidential. The Treatery will not have any obligation to keep such information confidential and will be free to reproduce, use, disclose and distribute the information to others without limitation. The Treatery will also be able to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques in the information for any purpose, including but not limited to developing, manufacturing, and marketing products, which incorporate or otherwise rely on the information. You consent to the aforesaid use of such information. By submitting information, you agree that The Treatery may publish the information, use it as part of its operations, and incorporate its concepts in The Treatery’s goods or for any other purposes, which The Treatery considers necessary, without liability.

The Treatery will deal with your personal information in terms of the Privacy Policy.



8.1. When you visit The Treatery’s website, you consent to receive communication from The Treatery electronically and agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communication sent by The Treatery satisfy any legal requirements, including but not limited to the requirement that such communications should be “in writing”.
8.2. You ensure that the goods/ products are fit for the purpose for which you want to buy them and are in excellent condition and free of any form of defects before you take delivery of the goods. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure, before delivery, that the goods listed on the till slip, or your purchase order correspond in description, price and quantity with the goods purchased.
8.3. The Treatery provides the website “as is” and “as available” and to the extent permissible by law disclaims warranties including but not limited to a warranty of title, merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose and that the website is free from defects, uninterrupted and error-free. While The Treatery attempts to provide accurate and timely information, The Treatery cannot guarantee this. The Treatery may correct and change the website if required. The Treatery’s goods and services described on the website are available in RSA.
8.4. Although The Treatery has tried to display the goods and their colours as accurately as possible, the displayed products and colours of the products will also depend upon your equipment and The Treatery cannot guarantee that your equipment will display an accurate representation of the actual goods or their colours. The Treatery will not be liable for any other website provided by any third party. It does not include all accessories shown with products for presentation in the price, nor are such products guaranteed to be available for sale by The Treatery. In the event of delivery delays or out-of-stock situations, we will notify you and we will do our very best to ensure a speedy fulfilment.
8.5. Image disclaimer: Where products are displayed with compatible devices, we will not include these devices as part of the sales price unless specifically identified as part of a product bundle. In all other cases, we show images to display products within a lifestyle setting and do not include part of a sales proposal including any said devices or lifestyle additions.



The Treatery is to be exempted from any liability due to a customer failing to provide accurate registration information, or a customer failing to view special warnings, etc.
Subject to applicable law, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold The Treatery harmless against any claim or liability (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of your use of the website.



The Treatery may immediately terminate use of and access to the website if you breach the terms. This will be without prejudice to any other remedies and rights that we may have in terms of the law, including but not limited to claims for specific performance and damages. Save for certain exceptions and subject to certain charges.



This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa.  You agree that we may bring legal proceedings against you relating to this Agreement in any Magistrate’s Court that has jurisdiction, even if the amount of the claim may exceed the jurisdiction of that court. This does not prevent us from bringing legal proceedings in a High Court that has jurisdiction.